금, 03/14/2025 - 19:35

포럼 주제

[류비] 그 도서관, Dag Hammarskjöld Library에게 묻는다

[출처] http://cafe.daum.net/christianfreedom/JgxM/3253



이미 도서관에 질문한 사람이 있었습니다.






Was the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ever affiliated with the United Nations as a non-governmental organization (NGO)?

WT가 NGO로서 UN과 연계한 적이 있는가?



대답은 간단했습니다. 그렇다이고, 링크 3개를 남겼네요.




저도 질문을 하나 남겼습니다.




Watchtower Bible and Tract Society insisted that they had to join UN NGO DPI in 1991 because DAG did change its policy of library access. It it true? Did DAG make any change then?

UN도서관 정책이 바뀌어서, 1991년에 가입했다고 하는데, 그 당시 도서관 접근과 관련된 방침에 변화가 있었는지...입니다.


대답을 듣게 되면 이 곳에 남기겠습니다.




P.S. 이미 방문하신 분들이 많겠지만, 영어권의 링크를 남겨 놓습니다.





[댓글로 부가한 내용]


이미 8년전에 Amanda라는 분이 질문메일을 보냈고, 답 메일을 받으셨네요. 


비슷한 대답을 받은 분들의 여러 증언들을 아래 링크를 통해 보실 수 있습니다. 




The issuance of a library pass was independent of NGO status or any other status. There was no change in the library pass policy until 2001. 

도서관 패스는 NGO 입지와는 독립적인(Independent) 것이며, 2001년까지 변화가 없었다. (2001년 911테러사건으로 바뀌게 된 것이었죠.)



From: Unreference (unreference@un.org)
Sent: August 22, 2008 11:22:10 AM
To: MY EMAIL@hotmail.com

Greetings from the UN Reference Team.

In response to your query, we refer you to: 

Also the procedure, prior to 11 September 2001, for a library pass was the following: the interested party filled out an application form and supplied a letter of recommendation in support of the research. If the required material was not available in a UN depository library (the list of depository libraries is posted at:http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/deplib/countries/ ), the application was approved and forwarded to UN Security. UN Security then checked the application and, if approval was granted, instructed the Pass Office to issue a library pass for the applicant. 

The issuance of a library pass was independent of NGO status or any other status. There was no change in the library pass policy until 2001. As a consequence of the September 11 attacks, the issuance of library passes has been suspended.

Best regards,

UN Library Reference Team 
Dag Hammarskjöld Library: http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/
United Nations Headquarters, New York
E-mail: unreference@un.org
UN Documentation Research Guide: http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/ 
UN Pulse: http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/unpulse/index.htm

To Whom it May Concern, I'm inquiring about a matter that I am doing extensive research on and require some of your help. I'm doing research on the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's association as an NGO back in 1991. They claim that they required NGO status to get a library card in order to access the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld library that they used to use for research. Apparently in 1991 it was mandatory that for use of these libraries, you had to become an NGO with the United Nations. 

Is there any clarification on this matter pertaining back to 1991? 

Your help would be greatly appreciated as I try to complete my research on this matter. If this is not the correct place to get this information, would you kindly direct me in the right direction. 

Yours Truly,






다른 포스트를 살펴보면,




Second email:


I have been at this library since 1985 and confirm again that there was no change in 1991.

Best regards,

UN/SA Reference Desk
United Nations Library, New York
E-mail: dhlunsa@un.org


대답한 사람은 1985년부터 근무를 했고, 1991년에 어떤 변화도 없었다고 증언하고 있습니다.

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