금, 03/14/2025 - 18:22


러시아 여호와의 증인 금지 상황

러시아 공영통신사 TASS 보도에 의하면,
러시아 여호와의 증인 금지 상황 :
  • 3월 23일에 러시아 벧엘 정지
  • 러시아 정부 홈페이지엔 JW의 활동을 정지시킴을 공포
  • 로컬 회중에선 아직 특별한 변화 없다고 이야기하고 있음
러시아 벧엘 대변인 이반빌렌코 형제가 TASS에 전달한 발언이 기사에는 포함되어 있습니다.
MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/.
The Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia has not received any orders from the Justice Ministry yet concerning the suspension of the organization’s activities, the center’s spokesman Ivan Bilenko told TASS.
"We have not received anything from the Justice Ministry so far. They (the Justice Ministry) published an announcement on their website saying that our activity has been suspended. No more than that. They say they have sent all documents by mail. We have not yet seen anything yet as to what exactly the Justice Ministry has suspended regarding our organization," he said.
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia suspended over extremism
Bilenko said "the organization finds this development very worrisome", because the decision may concern 175,000 believers.
He declared the organization’s intention to seek protection of its rights in all courts.
"Certainly we will be defending our rights in a court of law. We do hope that the Supreme Court’s decision will be in favor of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If the question is if we will appeal against the court’s future ruling, should we be recognized extremist, my answer is "yes," we will, there can be no doubts on that score," he added.
The Russian Ministry of Justice on 23 suspended the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia on the suspicion it indulges in extremist activities. On April 5 the Supreme Court will look into the Justice Ministry’s demand for declaring Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization, its elimination and prohibition of its activity in the country’s territory.


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